Topview Trainer for 8051 Microcontrollers

Topview Trainer was another interesting and useful study tool we developed for the 8031 /8051 microcontrollers. The hardware was designed to be the minimum with basic features to save on the cost. But, the software features were really outstanding with all the required debugging options. The internal details of the controller were presented in a most effective way to make the understanding on the program flow an easy and enjoyable experience. Because of the cost and the useful software debugging features, the Topview Trainer became popular with the educational institutions. Those days, debugging features were available only with high-priced trainers only.

We started selling these trainers with an attractive cost of only Rs3500/. As usual, it was promoted with Money-Back Guarantee.

We could sell a decent volume of these trainers and then it was slowly discontinued from our manufacturing.

Low cost learning tool for world’s popular 8031 Microcontroller Family.

Atmel AT89C52 operating at 12 MHz.

32K Byte SRAM for user’s applications with Battery backup.

Optional 32K Byte EPROM for user’s application program.

6 Digits of 7 Segment Green Colour Displays.

24 High Performance keys.

All standard trainer facilities are available.

LEDs, Push Button Switches are available for user’s experiments.

Facility to study interrupts structure and Timer/Counter of the Microcontroller.

Bus lines and I/O lines are terminated for user’s convenience.

Including Suitable Power Supply.

Free world class Topview Debugger that saves 30% of your project development time.

No other trainer in India has this facility.

Complimentary CDROM with useful documentation and utilities.

Bundle Contents:

Topview Trainer.
CDROM with Debugger software and other useful documents and software.
Power Supply.
Serial Port Communicating Cable.
Topview Trainer Hardware User Guide.
Topview Debugger Software User Guide.
Software Examples Manual.

Topview Debugger is the most advanced debugging software made available in 8031 microcontroller based trainers.

Best available tool for the students. After using Debugger for few hours, students can accelerate software development by atleast 40% when doing their projects.

Topview Debugger is extremely popular among our customers. It is the proven tool appreciated by our industrial customers who demand only the best. Our customers use Topview Debugger for many years. No one ever regretted for purchasing the tool.

If you are serious in doing anything on 8031, the Topview Debugger is the best thing made available to you.

Topview Debugger

Topview Debugger is the most important facility meant for developing 8031microcontroller based Embedded Solutions. Debugging is an inevitable part in any development environment to implement applications in real time. A right debugging tool should save a lot of development time.

Topview Debugger gives you unmatched power to manage 8031 based projects.

This debugger is a two part program in which the major part stays inside of the Topview trainer that keeps track of internal operation of the microcontrollers. During program execution, it catches information on various registers contents, internal/external memory areas and also various peripherals of the microcontrollers. This information is later transferred to the host computer to which it is connected.

Second part of the debugger operates in the host computer and is responsible for presenting the information received from the trainer in a most useful format using a GUI environment.

The debugger presents a GUI environment in which the clearview window structure gives facility for viewing/editing Program Memory, Internal Data Memory, information on various internal registers, SFR bits and etc.

When you use clearview windows you can visualize all the changes happening in the microcontroller’s internal architecture in a single screen. You can verify the internal, external memory spaces, various registers, SFR bits, along with the program code lines.

Another important feature of the debugger is the built-in program editing facility with the provision to run an external assembler for assembling the edited input program file.

You can compose your target program in this editor and send the edited code into the assembler and get the assembled code in a single shot.

There is an option to load the assembled code into the Trainer’s Program Memory at the predefined location.

All this happens in a single step for your convenience.

In the Program Memory window, the address, opcodes and mnemonics with SFR names are displayed line by line with distinct colours.

The Program Memory sports a single line assembler. So you can simply enter your program line by line using mnemonics.

The window also disassembles the hex input file and generates the actual assembly program.

You can also download a binary or hex file in the Program Memory of the Trainer reading from the disk.

Similarly, you can store the contents of the Program Memory into the disk either in hex or binary format.

In the internal Data Memory window, you can view/edit the memory contents. Facility is provided to Fill and Copy internal Data Memory contents.

External Data Memory window also supports all the above mentioned and also sports the facility to test the external Data Memory space.

In the Register and SFR window, the names of all register are clearly displayed to make you life easy during repeated debugging.

There are many ways in which you control the program execution to suit your needs. During every break, all the windows update their contents and indicate the changed values in a different colour to grab your attention.

You can execute the total program in a single shot and then check for the desired results.

You can also execute your program upto a Breakpoint and then verify the contents of various registers and the memory. The breakpoint can be defined using registers, internal Data Memory, SFR bits, External Data Memory.

There is another useful feature available to execute the subroutines in a single step. You need not execute a subroutine block line by line.

Having described the debugger in detail, we are sure that you understand the clear advantage you get when implementing your next embedded solution using Topview Debugger.

We once again remind you that a good debugging tool may save you from many hours of frustration. You can also finish the project before the anticipated time.

Our experience shows that at least you can save about 30% of the development time when using this powerful debugger.

Customer’s feedback on the trainer after 15 years of using.


Topview Device Programmer

Even though we had many products before this one, only after launching this, we became known to the embedded system community of India. We gave a good programming tool with an attractive and unmatched cost. The launch price was Rs 2002, the figure matching the year we started selling this. At that time, even programmers costing many times more didn’t come with similar features. To give buyers confidence, we started selling these programmers with a 15 days Money back-Guarantee, which was a new idea at that time. We also kept all details on line for the users’ evaluation. The combination of all these things made this device programmer very popular with the users and it became an instant hit for us.

Even after selling few thousands of this programmer, we never had any customer returning this programmer to get his/her money back.

We still come across customers who talk fondly about this programmer and there are good number of customers who started their career using this programmer.

We are really very happy about this Device Programmer, right from the day of its design till now. Now, we stopped manufacturing them.

Here comes more details about this programmer………..

Topview Device Programmer.

Topview Device Programmer supports all the devices in 8031 family of Atmel, AT89CXX. The programmer supports both parallel and SPI programming for user’s convenience. A powerful windows based GUI facility is available. Apart from this, many new features are made available to make the programming task an easy one.

Supported Devices:
20 Pins:
AT89C1051,AT89C1051U, AT89C2051, AT89C4051.

40 Pins:
AT89C51, AT89LV51, AT89S51, AT89LS51, AT89C52, AT89LV52, AT89S52, AT89LS52, AT89C55, AT89LV55, AT89S53, AT89LS53 AT89S8252, AT89LS8252.

Programmer can be connected to the PC through the serial port : COM1 to COM4

Supports both Parallel and SPI Programming.

Facility is available to program the device soldered in the target hardware through SPI bus. This facility is available in devices: AT89S51, AT89LS51, AT89S52, AT89LS52, AT89S8252, AT89LS8252, AT89S53, AT89LS53.

A single 40 pin ZIF socket is there for programming both 20 pin and 40 pin devices.

Programmer comes with suitable power supply and all relevant cables and is ready for usage immediately after opening the pack.

User Feedback

The unit is working fine. The software interface supplied with this is very user friendly and powerful.

I should congratulate Frontline Electronics for supplying such a fine product.

I could see the professional touch in all respects (right from documents on software to PCB finish).


Your product is superb. I appreciate the workmanship and the choice of electronic components for the product.

Really you and your engineers have done a good job for the embedded system designers.

The programmer is really an engineer’s choice for its price, size and ease of using.

Subrata Bhattacharya,

Graphic user interface facility is good compared to other programmers.

Colour syntax gives better effect in viewing the program code.

Program read option from microcontroller is useful. It also makes us feel convenient since it generates equivalent assembly code.

Programmer is compact and easy to use. the provision of reset key is useful since it is not necessary to switch off the power supply as in case of other programmers.

The user manual provides sufficient exposure to handle programmer efficiently and use the software to maximum extent.

The cost is cheap compared to other programmers. It is 50% less than compared to others.

Few chips, which were rejected by other programmers, have been able to be programmed by this programmer.

Edit EEPROM buffer, Single byte programmer option is one of its kind.

Protecting device, device options, auto-programming mode, read EEPROM, clear EEPROM, all are good.

Dr.Raja Paul Perinbam,

Very Good hardware. Very user friendly software.

GUI facility: Up-to date techniques.

Ease of use: Menu driven and self-explanatory. I will recommend this to my colleagues and friends.


Nice Hardware. Nice Software. Very easy. Very supportive.


Hardware is Ok. Good Software. Excellent GUI facility. Can be easily used.

Dr.Jagdale Shirish Hari,
Karad, Maharashtra.

Hardware is very clean. Good documentation. The programmer is very good. Unique facility to program the in-built EEPROM in AT89S8252 and SPI interface.

Mayur Kannavar,


Renesas RL78 Microcontroller Development Tools.

Frontline Electronics has introduced a range of Study and Development Hardware suitable for the Renesas RL78, 16-Bit Microcontrollers. These tools are being used wildly in the Indian market in the last few years and became very popular among the microcontroller users.

RL78 Evaluation Board.

The Evaluation board has the following features.
• RL78/G14 operating at 32Mhz.
• Four digits of Multiplexed Seven Segment LED Displays.
• LCD module with 2 line X 16 characters.
• Keyboard with 4X4 matrix.
• 4 Point LEDs interfaced to timer output pins.
• I2C device, RTC.
• Four Push Button switches.
• 4 numbers of Toggle switches.
• One Analog variable voltage source.
• Square waveform generator to study timers of Microcontroller.
• Pulse generator to study timers of Microcontroller.
• RS 232 Level shifter.
• Temperature Sensor LM35.
• Facility to measure Board Temperature and Current.
• Board has facility to connect EZ Emulator.


RL78 Based Embedded Application Development System.

RL78 EADS contains a baseboard and a Microcontroller Top Board. The Microcontroller Top Board comes as a small circular PCB with the microcontroller soldered along with its clock driving circuits and programming facility. You can plug the Microcontroller Top Board on the Baseboard to evaluate that particular RL78/G14 device.

The Baseboard carries various interfacing options like:

• Four digits of Multiplexed Seven Segment LED Displays.
• LCD module with 2 line X 16 characters.
• Keyboard with 4X4 matrix.
• 8 Point LEDs.
• I2C devices, RTC and EEPROM.
• Four Push Button switches.
• 4 numbers of Toggle switches.
• Two Analog variable voltage sources.
• Square wave form generator to study timers of Microcontroller.
• Pulse generator to study timers of Microcontroller.
• RS 232 Level shifter.
• Board has facility to connect EZ Emulator.

The hardware is supported with plenty of software examples that use these peripherals in all possible options.
In short, this RL78 EADS is designed to impart desired technical knowledge about Renesas’s 16 bit architecture and its real time applications.


RL78/G14 based Protoboard.

The ProtoBoard comes with few interfacing options and along with a reasonable proto area.

The basic requirements like, the Clock circuit, Reset circuit, EZ Emulator Interface and the RS232 circuit are provided on board for an easy start up.

The other interfacing options available are:

Two numbers of Push Button Switches.

Two numbers of LEDs.

EZ-RECON Emulator for RL78.

EZ-RECON is an on-chip debug emulator with flash programming function.

• On-chip debugging
Can debug with the target microcontroller connected to the target system.

• Flash memory programming
Can write programs to the on-chip flash memory of the microcontrollers.

• USB connection
Can be connected to the host machine via USB interface 2.0.

• Supports Variety of devices

EZ-RECON supports a wide variety of Renesas Electronics 8- bit to 32-bit on-chip flash memory microcontrollers.

– 78K0 Microcontrollers
– 78K0R Microcontrollers
– R8C Microcontrollers
– RL78 Microcontrollers
– V850 Microcontrollers


TMS320C6713 DSP Trainer

TMS320C6713 DSP Trainer.

TMS320VC6713 operating from 16 to 160MHz.
On-Board RAM: 256Kbyte.
Onboard DRAM storage facility of 32MBytes.
2 channels of high speed, high resolution 16 bit Analog to Digital converter with sampling rate of 1Msps.
16-bit high performance AUDIO CODEC.
Emulator interfacing facility.
USB Port and the Serial port with RS232 drivers.
Two numbers of 64-pin expansion connectors to interface external hardware.
Power Supply and Function generator.
Experiment manual to study DSP algorithms such as FIR filter, Convolution, FFT etc.
Trial copy of Code Composer Studio Development Software.
Mounting the above trainer in a closed cabinet with following:
RFI filtered linear power supply
Output frequency up to 20 kHz.
Sine, Square and Triangle signals limited to DSP AIC Input range.
Over voltage protection for analog inputs.
Facility to Measure FREQUENCY OUTPUT for user convenience during DSP Experiments.
Facility to use the DSP Hardware in any Embedded System with the add-on ProtoBoard facilities.
DSP Kit is safely mounted in a sleek wooden cabinet.


TMS320VC5416 DSP Trainer

TMS320VC5416 operating at 160MHz.

On-Chip RAM: 128K Word.
Booting Facility: 128K bytes Flash Memory with communicating kernel meant for the computer.
16/20/24/32-bit high performance AUDIO CODEC using TLV320AIC26
Stereo Audio DAC and Mono Audio ADC Support Rates up to 48 kbps.
On-Chip 325-mW Speaker Driver.
Microphone Preamp and Hardware Automatic Gain Control.
Programmable Digital Audio Bass/Treble/EQ/De-Emphasis.
Emulator interfacing facility.
USB Port and the Serial port with RS232 drivers.
Two numbers of 64-pin expansion connectors to interface external hardware.
Topview DSP Debugging Software with following features:
Simple and Powerful command set.
Program code, data and CPU Registers are simultaneously displayed in separate
View and edit facility for DMA and McBSP sub bank registers.
Supports assembly level debugging.
C Source debugging facility with variables view/edit facility.
Supports single step, step over and break point execution.
Fill, Test and Move operations for both Data and Program memory.
Graphical display of memory contents in both time and frequency spectrum.
Power Supply and Function generator.
Experiment manual to study DSP algorithms such as FIR filter, Convolution, FFT etc.
Trial copy of Code Composer Studio Development Software.

Power Supply and Function Generator.
(Mounting the above trainer in a closed cabinet with following)

RFI filtered linear power supply
Output frequency up to 20 kHz.
Sine, Square and Triangle signals limited to DSP AIC Input range.
Over voltage protection for analog inputs.
Facility to Measure FREQUENCY OUTPUT for userís convenience during DSP
DSP trainer is safely mounted in a sleek wooden cabinet.

Bundle Contents:

TMS320V5416 Starter Kit
CDROM with useful documents and software.
Power Supply.
Serial Port and USB Communication Cables.
Analog Input/Output cable
TMS320VC5416 Starter Kit User Guide.
TLV320AIC26 Chip Details (Soft Copy)