FEPET08-MOSFET Based DC-DC Buck Converter/ Chopper

FEPET08-MOSFET Based DC-DC Buck Converter/ Chopper

FE’s Power Electronics Applications Trainers are meant to demonstrate and help the users learn about applying the power devices in their applications using an intelligent study environment, specially designed for the purpose. This is a stand alone, all inclusive facility with high resolution power sourcing and measuring facilities along with most useful oscilloscope functions. The integrated two channel differential oscilloscope functions are used to view all the important voltages and currents enabling users get a through understanding of the design ideas with ease and convenient. The oscilloscope function makes use of TFT colour LCD,professional encoders and switches. In short, the environment helps the users learn, understand and get insights on the principles on engaging the power devices in their applications.

The application circuitry of the trainers give more design options to the users in an encouraging to facilitate maximum learning in the given time. Also, all the parts of the circuitry are well protected against unintended shorts and mis-wiring to provide a long maintenance-free life in the laboratory

Functional Description

In this trainer, a Buck converter is implemented using a MOSFET. A microcontroller based digitally controlled PWM signals are provided with proper gate drive circuitry for driving the MOSFET. The PWM frequency can be varied from 1Khz to 10Khz and the duty cycle can be varied from 5% to 95% using a rotary encoder. Multiple inductors, capacitors and load resistors are provided for the user to try out varous designs and implementations. User can make the circuit operate in either continuous conduction mode or discontinuous conduction mode by varying the components or the PWM parameters.

MOSFET DC-DC Buck Converter

The trainer comes with a built-in, stand alone, two channel differential oscilloscope functions to help the users view voltage and current waveforms around the application circuitry. The oscilloscope function is based on the colour TFT LCD to display the waveforms and take user inputs with digital encoders just like a professional oscilloscopes. In each of the two channels, any one of these waveforms can be displayed: Vsw’, Vout, Vpwm, Vg, Iind, Isw, Id. For each channel, a set of mathematical measurements on the acquired signal is displayed in real time. The possibilities are: Peak-to-Peak, Average, RMS, Maximum and Minimum. All these measurements channels are completely differential, enabling the users to make floating measurements without any difficulty. Following are the parts of the trainer:

Marketing Partners: contact us at feplslm@gmail.com

Application Circuit

DC power supply.


Microcontroller based PWM generator.

MOSFET driver.





Marketing Partners: Please contact us at feplslm@gmail.com

FEPET07- Single Phase Half/Full Controlled SCR Converter

Marketing Partners: contact us at feplslm@gmail.com

FE’s Power Electronics Applications Trainers are meant to demonstrate and help the users learn about applying the power devices in their applications using an intelligent study environment, specially designed for the purpose. This is a stand alone, all inclusive facility with high resolution power sourcing and measuring facilities along with most useful oscilloscope functions. The integrated two channel differential oscilloscope functions are used to view all the important voltages and currents enabling users get a through understanding of the design ideas with ease and convenient. The oscilloscope function makes use of TFT colour LCD, professional encoders and switches. In short, the environment helps the users learn, understand and get insights on the principles on engaging the power devices in their applications.

The application circuitry of the trainers give more design options to the users in an encouraging to facilitate maximum learning in the given time. Also, all the parts of the circuitry are well protected against unintended shorts and mis-wiring to provide a long maintenance-free life in the laboratory.

Functional Description

In this trainer, half and full wave controlled rectification is implemented using SCR. The load is grounded and the SCR is left floating. Therefore, a pulse transformer is available to isolate the triggering circuit from the switching devices. The user has the option to choose either a SCR bridge or a single SCR for rectification. UJT triggering is provided with a suitable multi-winding pulse transformer for triggering four SCRs simultaneously.

Single Phase Half-Full SCR Converter

The trainer comes with a built-in, stand alone, two channel differential oscilloscope functions to help the users view voltage and current waveforms around the application circuitry. The oscilloscope function is based on the colour TFT LCD to display the waveforms and take user inputs with digital encoders just like a professional oscilloscopes. In each of the two channels, any one of these waveforms can be displayed: Vac, Vld, Vak, Vgk, Vz, Ve, Vb1. For each channel, a set of mathematical measurements on the acquired signal is displayed in real time. The possibilities are: Peak-to-Peak, Average, RMS, Maximum and Minimum. All these measurements channels are completely differential, enabling the users to make floating measurements without any difficulty. Following are the parts of the trainer.

Application Circuit

AC Power Supply.


Single SCR.

SCR bridge.

Isolated UJT triggering circuit.

Marketing Partners: contact us at feplslm@gmail.com

Topview Simulator for Atmel 8031 Microcontrollers

Facility to simulate the complete 8051 microcontroller.
Facility to simulate the architecture, on chip peripherals and many external embedded modules.
Built in Integrated support to use the SDCC C compiler for program development.
Built in Code Editor to support C program development and the assembly code.
Built in Code Debugging facilities to support both C language and the assembly code with Break Point, Single Step and Software Breakpoints.
Built in facility to generate the application code for the embedded modules either in C or in assembly language.
Facility to start and finish the total project in the simulation environment.
Built in Simulation facilities:
Range of Point LEDs and Seven Segment LEDs.
LCD modules of many configurations.
Momentary ON keys.
A variety of keypads up to 4×8 key matrix.
Toggle switches.
All modes of on chip serial port.
IIC components including RTC, EEPROMs.
SPI Bus based EEPROM devices.
Suitable for Atmel AT89CXX Microcontrollers.

Completed Project in simulator
Completed Project in simulator 2