Topview In Circuit Emulator is the low cost emulator supporting many of Atmel 8051 microcontroller derivative devices in 40 and 20 pin counts. The Topview ICE comes with a state of art Integrated Development Environment enabling the users troubleshoot the application software and the hardware in real time with ease and confidence. The IDE has built-in program editor, device template generator and the debugging facilities. The emulator has the facility to debug source level debugging facilities for both C and ASM programs. Other features like on line assembler, dis-assembler, software trace, break point options make the emulator very much versatile for very complicated applications.
In short, the Topview ICE is the advanced development tool that will reduce the project time to a large extent enabling the designers undertake more projects than before.
Supported Devices: Atmel 8051 Microcontrollers with on chip flash memory in a single chip
List of devices:
AT89C1051, AT89C1051U, AT89C2051, AT89C4051, AT89C51, AT89C51RC, AT89S51, AT89C52, AT89S52, AT89C55, AT89C55WD, AT89S53, AT89S8252, AT89S8253.
Real time operations upto 24MHz.
Operating clock options: The emulator uses either built in clock or any other clock source connected with the target microcontroller. The built in clock oscillator generates a range of clock options: 4 MHz, 4.608 MHz, 8 MHz, 9.216 MHz, 10 MHz, 12 MHz, 16 MHz, 18.432MHz, 20 MHz and 24MHz.
5V operation.
Supports upto 64 KBytes of Program Memory.
Supports upto 256 Bytes of internal Data Memory.
Supporting both 20 and 40 pin DIP devices.
Connected with PC through USB port.
Topview IDE runs under WinXP environment.
Emulation Memory: Topview ICE-B provides 64Kbytes of space for the program memory.
Software BreakPoints: Software BreakPoints allow the real time program execution until the specific program line.
Conditional BreakPoints: A set of conditional breakpoints permit the program halting during the emulation based on specific code address, source code lines and the register contents.
Language and file formats: Topview ICE – B accepts files with many formats. It also accepts different assemblers and C languages. For the ASM program, Intel Hex format is accepted. For the C environment, both KEIL and SDCC compilers are supported.
Source Level Debugging: The Topview IDE comes with a Source Level Debugger which helps the designers debug the application code generated by both the assembler and the C language. This debugger includes the commands to generate all the required information during the program and hardware testing in real time. The commands permit setting breakpoints based on high level language lines, adding a watch window with symbols and variables of interest, modifying the variables, executing assembly steps and many more useful functions.