Topview Trainer for 8051 Microcontrollers

Topview Trainer was another interesting and useful study tool we developed for the 8031 /8051 microcontrollers. The hardware was designed to be the minimum with basic features to save on the cost. But, the software features were really outstanding with all the required debugging options. The internal details of the controller were presented in a most effective way to make the understanding on the program flow an easy and enjoyable experience. Because of the cost and the useful software debugging features, the Topview Trainer became popular with the educational institutions. Those days, debugging features were available only with high-priced trainers only.

We started selling these trainers with an attractive cost of only Rs3500/. As usual, it was promoted with Money-Back Guarantee.

We could sell a decent volume of these trainers and then it was slowly discontinued from our manufacturing.

Low cost learning tool for world’s popular 8031 Microcontroller Family.

Atmel AT89C52 operating at 12 MHz.

32K Byte SRAM for user’s applications with Battery backup.

Optional 32K Byte EPROM for user’s application program.

6 Digits of 7 Segment Green Colour Displays.

24 High Performance keys.

All standard trainer facilities are available.

LEDs, Push Button Switches are available for user’s experiments.

Facility to study interrupts structure and Timer/Counter of the Microcontroller.

Bus lines and I/O lines are terminated for user’s convenience.

Including Suitable Power Supply.

Free world class Topview Debugger that saves 30% of your project development time.

No other trainer in India has this facility.

Complimentary CDROM with useful documentation and utilities.

Bundle Contents:

Topview Trainer.
CDROM with Debugger software and other useful documents and software.
Power Supply.
Serial Port Communicating Cable.
Topview Trainer Hardware User Guide.
Topview Debugger Software User Guide.
Software Examples Manual.

Topview Debugger is the most advanced debugging software made available in 8031 microcontroller based trainers.

Best available tool for the students. After using Debugger for few hours, students can accelerate software development by atleast 40% when doing their projects.

Topview Debugger is extremely popular among our customers. It is the proven tool appreciated by our industrial customers who demand only the best. Our customers use Topview Debugger for many years. No one ever regretted for purchasing the tool.

If you are serious in doing anything on 8031, the Topview Debugger is the best thing made available to you.

Topview Debugger

Topview Debugger is the most important facility meant for developing 8031microcontroller based Embedded Solutions. Debugging is an inevitable part in any development environment to implement applications in real time. A right debugging tool should save a lot of development time.

Topview Debugger gives you unmatched power to manage 8031 based projects.

This debugger is a two part program in which the major part stays inside of the Topview trainer that keeps track of internal operation of the microcontrollers. During program execution, it catches information on various registers contents, internal/external memory areas and also various peripherals of the microcontrollers. This information is later transferred to the host computer to which it is connected.

Second part of the debugger operates in the host computer and is responsible for presenting the information received from the trainer in a most useful format using a GUI environment.

The debugger presents a GUI environment in which the clearview window structure gives facility for viewing/editing Program Memory, Internal Data Memory, information on various internal registers, SFR bits and etc.

When you use clearview windows you can visualize all the changes happening in the microcontroller’s internal architecture in a single screen. You can verify the internal, external memory spaces, various registers, SFR bits, along with the program code lines.

Another important feature of the debugger is the built-in program editing facility with the provision to run an external assembler for assembling the edited input program file.

You can compose your target program in this editor and send the edited code into the assembler and get the assembled code in a single shot.

There is an option to load the assembled code into the Trainer’s Program Memory at the predefined location.

All this happens in a single step for your convenience.

In the Program Memory window, the address, opcodes and mnemonics with SFR names are displayed line by line with distinct colours.

The Program Memory sports a single line assembler. So you can simply enter your program line by line using mnemonics.

The window also disassembles the hex input file and generates the actual assembly program.

You can also download a binary or hex file in the Program Memory of the Trainer reading from the disk.

Similarly, you can store the contents of the Program Memory into the disk either in hex or binary format.

In the internal Data Memory window, you can view/edit the memory contents. Facility is provided to Fill and Copy internal Data Memory contents.

External Data Memory window also supports all the above mentioned and also sports the facility to test the external Data Memory space.

In the Register and SFR window, the names of all register are clearly displayed to make you life easy during repeated debugging.

There are many ways in which you control the program execution to suit your needs. During every break, all the windows update their contents and indicate the changed values in a different colour to grab your attention.

You can execute the total program in a single shot and then check for the desired results.

You can also execute your program upto a Breakpoint and then verify the contents of various registers and the memory. The breakpoint can be defined using registers, internal Data Memory, SFR bits, External Data Memory.

There is another useful feature available to execute the subroutines in a single step. You need not execute a subroutine block line by line.

Having described the debugger in detail, we are sure that you understand the clear advantage you get when implementing your next embedded solution using Topview Debugger.

We once again remind you that a good debugging tool may save you from many hours of frustration. You can also finish the project before the anticipated time.

Our experience shows that at least you can save about 30% of the development time when using this powerful debugger.

Customer’s feedback on the trainer after 15 years of using.



TMS320VC5416 DSP Trainer

TMS320VC5416 operating at 160MHz.

On-Chip RAM: 128K Word.
Booting Facility: 128K bytes Flash Memory with communicating kernel meant for the computer.
16/20/24/32-bit high performance AUDIO CODEC using TLV320AIC26
Stereo Audio DAC and Mono Audio ADC Support Rates up to 48 kbps.
On-Chip 325-mW Speaker Driver.
Microphone Preamp and Hardware Automatic Gain Control.
Programmable Digital Audio Bass/Treble/EQ/De-Emphasis.
Emulator interfacing facility.
USB Port and the Serial port with RS232 drivers.
Two numbers of 64-pin expansion connectors to interface external hardware.
Topview DSP Debugging Software with following features:
Simple and Powerful command set.
Program code, data and CPU Registers are simultaneously displayed in separate
View and edit facility for DMA and McBSP sub bank registers.
Supports assembly level debugging.
C Source debugging facility with variables view/edit facility.
Supports single step, step over and break point execution.
Fill, Test and Move operations for both Data and Program memory.
Graphical display of memory contents in both time and frequency spectrum.
Power Supply and Function generator.
Experiment manual to study DSP algorithms such as FIR filter, Convolution, FFT etc.
Trial copy of Code Composer Studio Development Software.

Power Supply and Function Generator.
(Mounting the above trainer in a closed cabinet with following)

RFI filtered linear power supply
Output frequency up to 20 kHz.
Sine, Square and Triangle signals limited to DSP AIC Input range.
Over voltage protection for analog inputs.
Facility to Measure FREQUENCY OUTPUT for userís convenience during DSP
DSP trainer is safely mounted in a sleek wooden cabinet.

Bundle Contents:

TMS320V5416 Starter Kit
CDROM with useful documents and software.
Power Supply.
Serial Port and USB Communication Cables.
Analog Input/Output cable
TMS320VC5416 Starter Kit User Guide.
TLV320AIC26 Chip Details (Soft Copy)

8086 Microprocessor Trainers

MAGNA 86A – Basic 8086 Based Trainer.

8086 Operating at 4.77MHz.
EEPROM: 32k word. Expandable up to 128k word.
RAM: 32k word. Expandable to 128k words with Battery backup.
24 I/O lines are using one number of 8255.
Three 16bit Timer/ Counters using 8253.
RS232 serial port using 8251 with level shifting.
6 Digits of 7 segment displays.
Keyboard with 24 high performance rugged and reliable keys.
Monitor program with all the functions of the standard kit.
Mounted in a sleek and eye catching wooden cabinet.
Foolproof Battery backup for RAM.
Microprocessor supervisory watchdog timer.
Power supply:
Specifications: Input 220V AC +/-10%,
Output Voltage 5V, 1.2A; +12V, 0.75A; -12V, 0.75A
With short circuit and overload protection.

NG Platinum Trainer for 8086 Microprocessors with Assembler and Disassembler
Model: NG Platinum 8086

8086 operating at 4.77MHz.
EPROM: 32k word. Expandable up to 256k words.
RAM: 32k word. Expandable to 128k words with Battery backup.
User Interaction:
PC keyboard (101 keys) for program entry.
Graphical LCD with 8 lines X 21 characters.
Built in single line Assembler and Disassembler.
Powerful program development facilities using GUI features.
RS232 serial port using 8251 with level shifting.
48 I/O lines using two 8255s.
Three channels of 16bit Timer / Counters using 8253 with onboard clock generating facility.
Interrupt Controller using 8259A.
Onboard Interrupt study facility using Push Button switches.
Onboard facility of 64k Byte EEPROM to store user programs with file management.
Buffered Bus lines are terminated in three sets of 50 pin FRC headers.
Centronics compatible printer port.
Independent serial port for connecting with the computer for program development.
Built in Self Diagnostic Facilities:
Microprocessor health and performance.
Memory testing.
Peripheral testing facilities for 8255,8253 and 8259A.
Power supply monitoring.
Facility to indicate diagnostic results in the display.
Facility to test and analyze serial port of the trainer.

Interface Cards

1. LCD Interface Card.

This experimental module is meant for studying about interfacing LCD module with the Microcontroller/Microprocessor.
LCD with 2 lines X 16 characters.
Study of 4-bit/8-bit display interfacing.
The module is connected with the Microprocessor through bus lines.

2. Keyboard Interface Card.

This interface is meant for studying about connecting a keypad with the Microprocessor.
Keyboard with 4X4 Matrix.
Interfaced through port lines of the controller.
Detailed manual with flowchart and example programs are available.

3. Switches, LEDs and Relays Interface Card.

This is the most used interfacing in any Microprocessor environment. The experimental module gives required knowledge about connecting toggle switches, Relays, Momentary switches and also point LEDs.
2 Toggle Switches.
2 Momentary Switches.
2 Relays.
2 Point LEDs.
LED indicators for relays.
All the switches/relays are connected with the port lines of the processor.

4. 7 Segment Display Interface Card.

The experimental setup is meant for studying on connecting 7 segment LED display in all possible configurations.
4 digits of Green color 7 segment LED displays.
Possible to study the display in following configurations:
Multiplexed Display.
Non-Multiplexed Display.
BCD input to the display.
7 segment input to the display.
Onboard facilities to study all the above display interfacing.

5. Stepper Motor Interface Card With Stepper Motor.

Onboard Stepper Motor, with suitable motor drivers.
LED indicators for each winding.
Detailed manual with example program

6. 8251 Interface Card.

Provision to study programmable communication interface IC 8251 completely.
LED indicators for all RS 232 lines.
Provision for loop back test.

7. 8253 Interface Card.

8253 with onboard clock circuitry.
Facility to generate square waveform.
Facility to study 8253 in different modes.
Onboard LED indicators for useful interactions.

8. 8255 Interface Card.

Study on 8255 in all three modes.
LED indicators, DIP switches are provided for simulation.
Provision for studying 8255 completely.

9. 8259 Interface Card.

Programmable Interrupt Controller IC 8259 is used.
8 Push button Switches are provided for giving interrupts.
LED indicators are provided.

10. 8279 Interface Card.

4 Digits of 7 segment LED display.
4X4 Key matrix with 16 keys and 2 keys for shift & control operation.
Facility to study various keypad and display configurations.
Detailed manual with example program

11. ADC & DAC Interface Card.

4 Channels of differential inputs for the ADC.
14 bit ADC for high accurate experiments.
Onboard voltage generator for ADC input.
Solid state temperature sensor LM35 on board to study ADC.
One channel DAC with 8-bit resolution.
Provision to generate Unipolar, Bipolar analog output voltages.
Detailed manual with example program

12. DC Motor Interface Card.

A 6V DC motor is used.
Infra red sensors are used to generate pulses to calculate the speed of motor.
An 8 bit DAC is used to control the speed of motor.
All the required sources to implement a closed loop DC Motor control using Microcontroller / Microprocessor.

13. Temperature Controller Card.

Solid State temperature sensor LM35 / AD590 is used to read the temperature.
8 bit ADC is used for temperature measurement.
LED indicator for heater ON / OFF condition.
Facility to study the characteristics of a temperature control system.

14. Printer Interface Card.

Provision to connect Centronics printer.
LED indicators for Data and Control lines.
Facility to study printer interfacing completely.

15. Parallel Interface Card

Study of Parallel Communication between two Microprocessor kits using 8255.
Study of various modes of 8255 in Parallel Communication.
Detailed manual with example program.

16. Digital Clock Interface Card.

RTC with battery backup.
4 Push button Switches are provided for Timer Control.
Detailed manual with example program.

17. Traffic Light Interface Card.

On board LEDís to simulate traffic signals at a point where four roads meet.
On board LEDís are included for the pedestrians also.
Detailed manual with example program


8085 Microprocessor Trainers

NG Platinum Trainer for 8085A Microprocessors
Model: NG Platinum 8085

8085A operating at 6.144MHz.
EPROM: 16k + 16k Byte in 2 sockets.
RAM: 32k Byte with Battery Backup.
User Interaction:
PC keyboard (101 keys) for program entry.
Graphical LCD with 8 lines X 21 characters.
Built in single line Assembler and Disassembler.
Powerful program development environment using GUI features.
RS232 serial port using 8251 with level shifter.
48 I/O lines using two 8255s.
Three channels of 16bit Timer / Counters using 8253 with onboard clock generating facility.
Interrupt Controller using 8259A.
Onboard Interrupt study facility using Push Button switches.
Onboard facility of 64k Byte EEPROM to store user programs with file management.
Buffered Bus lines are terminated in three sets of 50 pin FRC headers.
Centronics compatible printer port.
Independent serial port for connecting with the computer for program development.
Built in Self Diagnostic Facilities:
Microprocessor health and performance.
Memory testing.
Peripheral testing facilities for 8255,8253 and 8259A.
Power supply monitoring.
Facility to indicate diagnostic results in the display.
Facility to analyze serial port of the trainer.


MAGNA Plus 85 – 8085 Microprocessor Trainer.

8085A Operating at 6.144MHz.
EPROM: 32K X 8.
RAM: 32K X 8.
48 I/O lines using 2 numbers of 8255.
3 numbers of 16 bit timers / counters using 8253.
PC AT compatible serial port.
Keyboard with 24 high performance keys.
6 Digits of 7 segment displays.
Fully buffered bus for userís applications.
Monitor program with the functions of the standard kit.
Mounted in a sleek wooden cabinet.
Foolproof Battery backup for RAM.
Push Button Switches are connected to interrupt lines for study purpose.
Power supply
Specifications: Input 220V AC +/-10%,
Output Voltage 5V, 1.2A; +12V, 0.75A; -12V, 0.75A
With short circuit and overload protection.


Interface Cards

i.LCD Interface Card.

This experimental module is meant for studying about interfacing LCD module with the Microcontroller/Microprocessor.
LCD with 2 lines X 16 characters.
Study of 4-bit/8-bit display interfacing.
The module is connected with the Microprocessor through bus lines.

ii.Keyboard Interface Card.

This interface is meant for studying about connecting a keypad with the Microprocessor.
Keyboard with 4X4 Matrix.
Interfaced through port lines of the controller.
Detailed manual with flowchart and example programs is available.

iii.Switches, LEDs and Relays Interface Card.

This is the most used interfacing in any Microprocessor environment. The experimental module gives required knowledge about connecting toggle switches, Relays, Momentary switches and also point LEDs.
2 Toggle Switches.
2 Momentary Switches.
2 Relays.
2 Point LEDs.
LED indicators for relays.
All the switches/relays are connected with the port lines of the processor.

iv.7 Segment Display Interface Card.

The experimental setup is meant for studying on connecting 7 segment LED display in all possible configurations.
4 digits of Green color 7 segment LED displays.
Possible to study the display in following configurations:
Multiplexed Display.
Non-Multiplexed Display.
BCD input to the display.
7 segment input to the display.
Onboard facilities to study all the above display interfacing.

v.Stepper Motor Interface Card With Stepper Motor.

Onboard Stepper Motor, with suitable motor drivers.
LED indicators for each winding.
Detailed manual with example program

vi.8251 Interface Card.

Provision to study programmable communication interface IC 8251 completely.
LED indicators for all RS 232 lines.
Provision for loop back test.

vii.8253 Interface Card.

8253 with onboard clock circuitry.
Facility to generate square waveform.
Facility to study 8253 in different modes.
Onboard LED indicators for useful interactions.

viii.8255 Interface Card.

Study on 8255 in all three modes.
LED indicators, DIP switches are provided for simulation.
Provision for studying 8255 completely.

ix.8259 Interface Card.

Programmable Interrupt Controller IC 8259 is used.
8 Push button Switches are provided for giving interrupts.
LED indicators are provided.

x.8279 Interface Card.

4 Digits of 7 segment LED display. 4X4 Key matrix with 16 keys and 2 keys for shift & control operation.
Facility to study various keypad and display configurations.
Detailed manual with example program

xi. ADC & DAC Interface Card.

4 Channels of differential inputs for the ADC.
14 bit ADC for high accurate experiments.
Onboard voltage generator for ADC input.
Solid state temperature sensor LM35 on board to study ADC.
One channel DAC with 8-bit resolution.
Provision to generate Unipolar, Bipolar analog output voltages.
Detailed manual with example program

xii.DC Motor Interface Card.

A 6V DC motor is used.
Infra red sensors are used to generate pulses to calculate the speed of motor.
An 8 bit DAC is used to control the speed of motor.
All the required sources to implement a closed loop DC Motor control using Microcontroller / Microprocessor.

xiii.Temperature Controller Card.

Solid State temperature sensor LM35 / AD590 is used to read the temperature.
8 bit ADC is used for temperature measurement.
LED indicator for heater ON / OFF condition.
Facility to study the characteristics of a temperature control system.

xiv. Printer Interface Card.

Provision to connect Centronics printer.
LED indicators for Data and Control lines.
Facility to study printer interfacing completely.

xv.Parallel Interface Card

Study of Parallel Communication between two Microprocessor kits using 8255.
Study of various modes of 8255 in Parallel Communication.
Detailed manual with example program.

xvi.Digital Clock Interface Card.

RTC with battery backup.
4 Push button Switches are provided for Timer Control.
Detailed manual with example program.

xvii.Traffic Light Interface Card.

On board LEDís to simulate traffic signals at a point where four roads meet.
On board LEDís are included for the pedestrians also.
Detailed manual with example program

8051/8031 Microcontroller Trainers

NG Platinum Trainer for 8051 Microcontrollers.
Model: NG Platinum  8051.

ATMEL AT89C52 operating at 12MHz.
RAM 32K Bytes with Battery Backup.
EPROM 32K Bytes.
Graphical LCD to display up to 8 lines of 21 Characters to display all information about the Trainer operations.
PC 101 keyboard.
Independent Serial communication facility to PC for program debugging purpose.
Controller’s Serial Port is available for user’s application.
Built-in single line assembler and disassembler.
16 Input and 16 output port lines are available.
Onboard user interfacing facilities: 6 numbers of point LEDs. (P1.4, P1.5, P1.6, P1.7, RXD and TXD).
3 numbers of Push button switches (INT0, INT1 and T1) to interact with Interrupt And Timer signals.
2 Nos of Toggle Switches (P1.2, P1.3).
Bus Lines and I/O lines are terminated for userís convenience.
Self Diagnostic Facility:
Microcontroller health and performance.
Memory Testing.
Power Supply monitoring.
Facility to Indicate diagnostic results in the display.
Facility to analyze serial port of the controller. (Useful for serial communication experiments)
Onboard Facility of 64K Byte to store application programs in a non-volatile memory with file management.
Free Windows based Topview Debugger with C source level debugging, Compatible to SDCC C compiler, to save project development time. No other Trainer has this Facility.
Complimentary CDROM with useful documentation and Utilities.
Detailed Documentation:
Trainer Hardware User Guide.
Topview Debugger Software User Guide.
Software Examples Manual.
Including suitable power supply.
A complementary CDROM is available with every 8051 trainers. The CDROM contains many useful utilities/documentation:
eBook on Embedded System Design using 8051 Microcontroller.
Cross Assembler for 8051 family devices.
Topview Debugger meant for the trainer.
Free SDCC C compiler.
Documentation on Atmel’s 8051 family devices.


MAGNA Plus 31- 8051 Microcontroller Trainer.

Low Cost Learning Tool for Worldís most popular 8051 Microcontroller families.
ATMEL AT89C52 operating at 12MHz.
Atmelís on chip Flash Memory 8K.
32K Byte RAM for userís applications with Battery backup.
Optional 32K byte EPROM.
6 Digits of 7 Segment Green Color Displays.
24 High performance keys.
Serial Communication facility to the personal computers.
All standard trainer monitor facilities are available.
LEDs (6 numbers), Push Button Switches (4 numbers) and 2 numbers of Toggle
Switches are available onboard for userís experiments.
Facility to study Interrupt structure and Timer / Counter of the microcontroller.
Bus lines and I/O lines are terminated for userís convenience.
Free Windows based Topview Debugger that saves your project development time. No other Trainer has this Facility.
The Trainer can be used for Real time Applications.
Complimentary CDROM with useful documentation and Utilities.
Including suitable Power Supply.
Detailed Documentation:
Trainer Hardware User Guide.
Topview Debugger Software User Guide.
Software Examples Manual.
Complementary CDROM.
A complementary CDROM is given free of cost with every order of 8051 trainers. The CDROM contains many useful utilities/documentation:
eBook on Embedded System Design using 8031 Microcontroller .
Cross Assembler for 8051 family devices.
Topview Debugger meant for the trainer.
Documentation on Atmel’s 8051 family devices.


Interface Cards

i.LCD Interface Card.

This experimental module is meant for studying about interfacing LCD module with the Microcontroller/Microprocessor.
LCD with 2 lines X 16 characters.
Study of 4-bit/8-bit display interfacing.
The module is connected with the Microcontroller through bus lines.

ii.Keyboard Interface Card.

This interface is meant for studying about connecting a keypad with the Microcontroller.
Keyboard with 4X4 Matrix.
Interfaced through port lines of the controller.
Detailed manual with flowchart and example programs is available.

iii.Switches, LEDs and Relays Interface Card.

This is the most used interfacing in any Microcontroller environment. The experimental module gives required knowledge about connecting toggle switches, Relays, Momentary switches and also point LEDs.
2 Toggle Switches.
2 Momentary Switches.
2 Relays.
2 Point LEDs.
LED indicators for relays.
All the switches/relays are connected with the port lines of the controller.

iv.7 Segment Display Interface Card.

The experimental setup is meant for studying on connecting 7 segment LED display in all possible configurations.
4 digits of Green color 7 segment LED displays.
Possible to study the display in following configurations:
Multiplexed Display.
Non-Multiplexed Display.
BCD input to the display.
7 segment input to the display.
Onboard facilities to study all the above display interfacing.

v.Stepper Motor Interface Card With Stepper Motor.

Onboard Stepper Motor, with suitable motor drivers.
LED indicators for each winding.
Detailed manual with example program

vi.8251 Interface Card.

Provision to study programmable communication interface IC 8251 completely.
LED indicators for all RS 232 lines.
Provision for loop back test.

vii.8253 Interface Card.

8253 with onboard clock circuitry.
Facility to generate square waveform.
Facility to study 8253 in different modes.
Onboard LED indicators for useful interactions.

viii.8255 Interface Card.

Study on 8255 in all three modes.
LED indicators, DIP switches are provided for simulation.
Provision for studying 8255 completely.

ix.8259 Interface Card.

Programmable Interrupt Controller IC 8259 is used.
8 Push button Switches are provided for giving interrupts.
LED indicators are provided.

x.8279 Interface Card.

4 Digits of 7 segment LED display.
4X4 Key matrix with 16 keys and 2 keys for shift & control operation.
Facility to study various keypad and display configurations.
Detailed manual with example program

xi. ADC & DAC Interface Card.

4 Channels of differential inputs for the ADC.
14 bit ADC for high accurate experiments.
Onboard voltage generator for ADC input.
Solid state temperature sensor LM35 on board to study ADC.
One channel DAC with 8-bit resolution.
Provision to generate Unipolar, Bipolar analog output voltages.
Detailed manual with example program

xii.Dc Motor Interface Card.

A 6V DC motor is used.
Infra red sensors are used to generate pulses to calculate the speed of motor.
An 8 bit DAC is used to control the speed of motor.
All the required sources to implement a closed loop DC Motor control using Microcontroller / Microprocessor.

xiii.Temperature Controller Card.

Solid State temperature sensor LM35 / AD590 is used to read the temperature.
8 bit ADC is used for temperature measurement.
LED indicator for heater ON / OFF condition.
Facility to study the characteristics of a temperature control system.

xiv. Printer Interface Card.

Provision to connect Centronics printer.
LED indicators for Data and Control lines.
Facility to study printer interfacing completely.

xv.Parallel Interface Card
Study of Parallel Communication between two Microprocessor kits using 8255.
Study of various modes of 8255 in Parallel Communication.
Detailed manual with example program.

xvi.Digital Clock Interface Card.

RTC with battery backup.

4 Push button Switches are provided for Timer Control.
Detailed manual with example program.

Traffic Light Controller.

On board LEDís to simulate traffic signals at a point where four roads meet.
On board LEDís are included for the pedestrians also.
Detailed manual with example program