FEPET01 – Study of MOSFET Characteristics

FEPET01 – Study of MOSFET Characteristics

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Here comes the trainer to study MOSFET characteristics in an easy and convenient way. The understanding on the MOSFET characteristics is the most important part of power electronics study. The line of power electronics trainers are aimed at making the study convenient and complete. The devices are connected to a well protected circuit with digitally controlled power supplies and accurate metering. A TFT colour LCD along with encoders and switches are used for user interaction to make the setup user-friendly and convenient. The user can set the control of the digital power supplies manually or use one of the auto-plot modes to plot the V-I characteristics of the device instantly.

This setup enables the user to forget about getting the circuit to work and focus on learning the intricacies of the MOSFET characteristics. The auto-plot feature enables the user see the textbook waveforms of the V-I characteristics in an instant.

The system consists of the following:

Device Under Test – MOSFET

Load resistor.

Programmable voltage source – Vdd.

Programmable voltage source – Vgs.

High resolution measurements – Vdd, Vds, Vgs.

Current measurement – Id.

Trainer User Interface

The user interface of the trainer consists of a TFT LCD to display the measurements and graphs along with encoders and switches to get inputs from the user. The trainer has multiple modes of operations meant for direct display of set and measured values and also for the automatic display of waveforms.

To power up the MOSFET, programmable voltage sources, Vdd and Vgs are also provided on board.

MOSFET characteristics Study Trainer

Operating Modes of the Trainer

Measurement Mode

In the measurement mode, all power supplies are user controlled and both set and measured voltage/ current values are displayed, enabling the user to manually adjust the source parameters and view measurements.

For the power supplies Vdd and Vgs, the SET and ACTUAL values are displayed side by side on the LCD. The measurements Vds and Id are also displayed on the LCD. The encoders and tactile switches can be used to manually adjust the power supplies and record the measurements to study the device characteristics.

Details of LCD Display

Auto-Plot Mode1 – MOSFET Output Characteristics

The IGBT output characteristics mode plots Vds versus Id for user set values of Vgs. When the AUTO PLOT switch is pressed, the Vdd voltage is varied from 0 to 25V automatically and the measured Vds and Id values are plotted. Before starting this plot, user is required to set the value of Vgs. A maximum of five plots can be displayed on the screen simultaneously.

Output Characteristics 

Auto-Plot Mode 2 – MOSFET Transfer Characteristics

The IGBT transfer characteristics mode plots Vgs versus Id for user set values of Vdd. When the AUTO PLOT switch is pressed, the Vgs voltage is varied from 0 to 15V automatically and the measured Vgs and Id values are plotted. Before starting this AUTO PLOT, user has to set the Vdd. A maximum of five plots can be displayed on the screen simultaneously.

Transfer Characteristics 

The Auto-Plot modes are incorporated into the system to ensure the users, most of the time students, about the proper operations of the target device and inspires them to take up the device study with confidence and ease. The users have to generate all the plots by themselves. Auto-Plot graphs are only visual reference to them and plot values are not available to the users.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Auto-Plot facility useful?

The Auto-Plot facility enables the students to generate textbook V-I characteristic waveforms for the target power devices at the press of a button. This facility confirms the students about working of the target device and motivates them to study the intricacies of the device characteristics. Since the measurement readings of these Auto-Plot graphs are not available to the students, they are expected to re-create them manually to improve their understanding.

When testing any external device, the Auto-Plot facility is useful to understand the characteristics of the target device without any difficulty and motivates the students to apply the device in their applications with confidence.

Why is a constant-current power supply essential to take up the study of SCR and TRIAC?

Theoretically, SCR and TRIAC are current triggered devices and a constant-current power supply is very much required to maintain gate current at a constant value when the anode-cathode voltage is being varied. If a simple voltage power supply is used for this purpose, the gate current will vary every time the anode-cathode voltage is changed. The students have to adjust the gate current to the set value for every change of anode voltage and this may cause an inadvertent triggering of the device. Students may miss the exact triggering points which may become disadvantageous when designing control algorithms for these devices in their applications. Without constant-current gate power supplies, plotting the accurate characteristic graphs of SCR and TRIAC is very much difficult.

What is the significance of the current waveforms in power electronics application study?

During the study of Buck and Boost Converters, the current waveforms of the inductor and the switches are essential to understand the circuits in continuous and discontinuous modes of operations. High frequency current probes are very expensive and difficult to use. FE’s trainers have on-board current measurement facility to enable the students view current waveforms which can otherwise be seen only in the textbooks.

What are the advantages of the built-in oscilloscope over external oscilloscopes?

The built-in two channel oscilloscopes of FE’s application trainers are designed for precision and convenience rather than regular oscilloscopes which are built for speed. The in-built oscilloscope supports 12-bit resolution, differential voltage and current measurements enabling students view two voltage/current waveforms simultaneously. The oscilloscopes also come with mathematical functions like Peak-Peak, RMS, Mean, Minimum and Maximum on the acquired waveforms. External oscilloscopes are not capable of differential voltage measurements or high frequency current measurements without expensive active probes.

Why high precision measurements and power sources are required?

In the device characteristics study, the range of gate voltages and currents required for making the device operate in active region for V-I characteristics study is very small: around 200mV to 300mV for MOSFETs/IGBTs and around 50µA to 100µA for SCRs/TRIACs. Without precision power supplies and measuring facilities, obtaining multiple V-I characteristics plots is out of question.

In power electronics application study, precision measurement facility is required to cross-verify theoretical design calculations with practical results. The 12-bit in-built oscilloscope is more suitable for measuring mathematical parameters of current and voltage waveforms than an external 8-bit DSO. This is particularly significant for buck and boost converter designs where parameters like inductor ripple current, average inductor current and output voltage ripple are to be measured.

When using FE trainers, won’t the students miss out on the assembly and troubleshooting skills that come with breadboard or other assembly options?

Study of power electronic device characteristics requires high precision power supplies along with multiple multimeters for every experimental setup. The cost of the equipment and the difficulty in maintaining them, especially, the µA current range multimeters/ammeters which tend to be damaged very easily, is prohibitive for most college labs. Usually, compromises are made during experimentation and the students have to set up the study with only available low-end T&M equipment which defeats the learning process.

For the application experiments, a complete study requires complicated circuitry which cannot be assembled in the breadboards or DIY boards in reasonable time. So, advanced triggering/control circuits cannot be studied during the lab sessions. Also, the students cannot make differential voltage or current measurements with external oscilloscopes unless extremely expensive active probes are made available to them. When students have more time for learning, FE trainers support them with more options in load, triggering, applying different passive devices to continue their study that result in enhanced learning.

Moreover, with manual breadboard assembly, the students have to spend significant time in assembling and troubleshooting the circuits that leaves very little time for the required learning. There are other electronic labs where the students can learn about electronic assembly and troubleshooting. But, for the power electronics lab, the students are at the risk of missing out on the key concepts which may prevent them from exploring further in power electronics.

As a whole, FE trainers provide an ideal learning environment to the students which boosts acquired knowledge, more than expected in power electronic study in any lab.

What makes FE power electronic trainers better than other options with low integration?

Besides the Auto-Plot and constant-current power supply features, FE Power Device Characteristics Trainers also have high precision digitally controlled power supplies along with on-board high precision 3.5 digit resolution current and voltage meters.

FE Power Electronics Application Trainers have built-in two-channel high-resolution differential oscilloscope with voltage/current measurement and mathematical calculation facility. The application circuitry is modular and user-configurable with multiple triggering/controlling and passive device options.

Everything is integrated into a single stand-alone solution with a convenient and intuitive user-interface using a TFT colour LCD combined with professional rotary encoders and switches. The circuitry is given adequate protection against inadvertent mis-wiring and shorts, giving long working life with zero maintenance.

Simple trainers with low integration do not have any of the above mentioned advanced features and only provide analog power supplies with or without low precision analog or digital voltmeters/ammeters for characteristics study and simple circuitry with limited triggering options for application study. They do not provide any significantly better learning than manual breadboard assembly. This discourages the student from getting a thorough learning in power electronics; missing confidence to apply these devices in further applications.

Study of Power Electronic Devices in Applications

Study of Power Electronic Devices in Applications

FE has a line of trainers enabling students understand how power electronic devices are put into selected applications. Trainers include modular circuitry with multiple controlling/triggering options guiding students’ experiments with multiple design concepts in the applications to ensure maximum learning in the given time. The trainers come with multiple triggering choices, multiple loads, multiple passive component options to enhance the knowledge acquired.

The trainers are complete in all respects and they can be used as a stand-alone experimental environment without requiring any other external T&M support. They come with built-in two channel differential oscilloscope features required to view and measure all the voltages and currents at the important locations to get a thorough understanding of the design concepts in the most convenient way. On-board TFT colour LCD and professional encoders provide an unmatched study interaction to the students. Mathematical measurement facilities like finding Peak-to-Peak, RMS, Mean, Maximum and Minimum are available to understand more on target signals. The oscilloscope function supports two simultaneous floating measurements through differential input sensing facilities.

The scope functions have high resolution measurements with 12-bit capability as opposed to common oscilloscopes of 8-bit resolution, resulting in high resolution and accurate measurement on the input signals during the study.

The trainer’s application circuitry is designed to protect the target device in case of any inadvertent shorts, mis-wiring by the students. Total design is optimised for college lab environment and is designed to provide a long working life with zero maintenance.

Why Lab Experiments Fail in Power Electronics

Tricky Measuring and Monitoring Requirements

Generally, students start collecting available power supplies to take up the study on the power
electronic devices. They wire up these supplies with the power devices in the usual way: one
supply giving the main device supply VCC and another powering up the gate. The outputs
of these supplies are defined by analog potentiometers used in the supply control circuitry.
Because of this design configuration, the exact precision may not be available to create the
required test conditions. Normally labs don’t give students high valued precision power supplies
which could create the precision operating environment.

When using ordinary power supplies, current based triggering devices like SCR and TRIAC,
demand constant maintenance of gate current at the defined level during the experiment. With
these power supplies, if the VCC voltage is varied during experimentation, gate current also gets
changed from its set value. Then, the student goes back to the gate power supply to adjust the
current to its initial set value. This happens for every change of VCC voltage. Till the device gets
triggered with the exact parameters, the student has to shuttle back and forth between the supply
voltages. While repeatedly adjusting the gate current manually using an analog potentiometer,
the student inadvertently triggers the device in random. The student fails to understand the
device’s exact triggering point and ends up seeing the device in triggered condition in surprise.
Not understanding this may become disadvantageous when creating control algorithms for the
device in power applications.

When students take MOSFET/IGBT devices into study, required gate voltage varying range for
the active region is very small, about 200-300mV. When the device gets into active region,
they need high resolution power supplies and measuring facilities to plot multiple output
characteristics waveforms within this active region.

Apart from creating an ideal operating environment for the power devices, students also
need precision measuring facilities to complete the scene. To make an effective study on the
characteristics, student requires up to five multimeters with minimum 3.5 digits of resolution.
Also, the maintenance of mA resolution current meters is very difficult in a college lab setup
because they are easily damaged when the current limits are exceeded. Giving this kind of
facilities to all the students of the class is real expensive problem to any laboratory.

Another disadvantage of using many external power supplies and oscilloscopes is the common
ground potential of all these facilities. Normal oscilloscopes come with two or more channels
sharing same ground which is connected to the mains earth. Because of this, more than one
floating measurement is not possible; provided the power supplies are isolated and non-
grounded. If the students, without this understanding, connect the negative lead of the probes at
different places, the circuit may get short conditions, resulting in damage to the circuit and/or
the oscilloscope. If the used power supplies have the mains earth connected to the supply ground
(as most bench power supplies are), not even one floating measurement is possible.

However, there is a solution available for this, albeit a very expensive one. High-voltage Active
Differential Probes are available to mitigate isolation problems. But the cost of each probe
is usually more than many entry level DSOs. The cost of supplying oscilloscopes with two high
voltage active differential probes to every batch of students becomes prohibitive for most
educational institutions.

Also, viewing the current waveforms of the power application circuits, particularly Buck and
Boost convertors is very difficult without the use of isolated current probes, which are again
very expensive. Without viewing the current waveforms, the student cannot understand the
exact operating conditions of the circuit, particularly the continuous and discontinuous modes
of operation, making the study incomplete.

Another concern when using multiple power sources, measuring instruments and oscilloscopes
is the accidental shorting or wiring mistakes which can damage the power devices. It is very
difficult to identify the dead devices when the operating conditions are complicated as above
discussed. Also, periodic maintenance and replacement costs become expensive during the
usage of these setups. It has been observed in many institutions, power electronics device study
arrangements are not very encouraging to both students as well as lab maintenance staff.